I’m excited to introduce Roon Instant Answer - powered by AI.
We’ve heard many of you tell us that getting questions answered from a trusted source can take a long time. In the interim, Google is overwhelming and oftentimes inaccurate, and Facebook groups can feel hopeless.
Once you finally do get an answer from a trusted source, it’s typically only one expert’s opinion.
We wanted to help solve this problem. So we built Roon Instant Answer.
Starting today when you ask any question on Roon, you'll receive a multi-perspective answer in just a few seconds. Answer responses tap into our expansive library, which contains thousands of expert responses. And, if you want to go deeper, you can explore the original Roon expert videos that contributed to the answer along with related questions that might deepen your understanding. Every expert on Roon has a profile, and you can explore the condition through the lens of their expertise.
We hope this serves as an easier way for you to get answers to your questions, and makes navigating your health and the health of your loved ones less hard.
Check it out at roon.com or on iOS by updating your app. You can find Roon’s “Ask a question” button at the top of your home screen.
Let us know what you think!